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Thursday, January 26, 2012

And You Know What...

I don't care if no one ever even reads this, or cares, I feel better already being able to write it down.


  1. Melissa, I came across your blog today, glad I did.
    You seem like a good egg.
    You've got it together. You are a caring and loving daughter. Believe it or not, there are some sorry daughters out there that would not bother.
    Your dad is fortunate to have you.

    Keep writing, and like you said, don't care, just do it. This will be something you can look back on down the road (know that feeling looking at a picture and being glad you or someone else took it?). To other people that have parents with MS, reading about your experiences may inspire someone to help a loved one more, or understand the daily struggles.

    I started one just to get the stuff out of my head and it has helped.
    My writing however is not very positive at least for now I hope, but what is thought, is written, as dark and occasionally offensive as it is.
    It's hit a niche with certain young people with MS and may not be for you.
    (if you check it out, I hope my grammar/punctuation passes. Failed 9th grade English (every class for that matter) and never went back)

    Keep writing and I will keep reading. Thanks.

  2. I'm reading.... I have kids your age and I want to know how they are dealing with this. You keep writing! And thank you for your candid emotions.
