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Monday, January 9, 2012

MS = Multiple Sclerosis

I feel almost dumb saying this, but I probably don't know as much about Multiple Sclerosis as I should, seeing as how what it does to my dad has changed my entire young adult years.

Here's what I know off the top of my head: It is a horrible disease that attacks your nervous system. It basically disables your limbs and causes your body parts to not work.

There are two different types of MS. One is where it relapses and then comes back. I've heard where in this type, once in a while, he/she will become suddenly temporarily paralyzed. Like, they wake up and are immobilized. That would be terrifying.

The other type, the kind my dad has, and has have for like 15 years is more of a progressive type. If you ask me, this is much worse. I would much rather be normal most of the time and sometimes be paralyzed than be disabled ALL of the time, but, maybe I'm just biased. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Anyways, with my dad, it started off pretty mildly. He was wobbily and not as quick on his feet, but he was still at all of my high school games and it didn't affect us too much.

Also, my dad's left side works a lot better than his right. He can barely hold a pen anymore, and his right leg is so much slower. He can't make a fist or even flip you off, as hasn't now for years. It's actually quite impressive how ambidextrious he has become. While his left side definitely sucks too, it works a little better and he usually eats etc. with that hand.

There are a bunch of other terrible side affects like blindness, (we had a spat of that about 2 years ago, but thankfully it went away), losing control of your pee organs (not quite sure what the technical term for that is), and general pain, but let's not kid ourselves here, the greatest side affect of this is that you just feel so sad about it.

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