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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why It's Hard to Bring Men Around the Fam

I have never been a person to get really embarrassed about things. I make a fool out of myself on a daily basis and I don't typically think twice about it.So when I am withe my dad and he stumbles or whatever, I don't think twice about it for myself, but my heart aches for my dad... and for anyone around who might feel awkward.

Last week we took my friend Matt with us on a family Jazz game night. We pulled up to the curb outside the ESA where a man in a wheelchair was actually going to meet us. (We just figured out that this service was available). I've known Matt for a couple years, and he knew my dad has health problems, but there was no way to prepare him for what came next.

As my dad got out of the car, there happened to be ice where he put his cane and it was like watching in slow motion as he went down. Impressively, Matt was close enough where he caught my dad under his armpits right before he hit the ground and tried to keep him from going all the way down. My brother and I rushed over and tried to help also, but it was a good 45 seconds before we got him back up and steady, all the while Matt was basically bear-hugging my dad chest to chest.

Matt is a nice guy and I am so thankful he was so quick, but I could tell he was quite... I don't even know the word to say. He wasn't embarrassed really. Maybe he was just not aware of how bad my dad's condition was. And what do I say? Thanks? THat's basically all I could do and pretend to shake it off, but somehow that incident lingered the whole night in the back of his, and mine, and I'm sure everyone else's mind.

Which is why it is hard to bring men around the family sometimes.

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